OCELLI School Bell Timer Smart Automatic Bell Management System 3 Seasons 20 Sessions Per Day + Unlimited Holidays. Standard Display Model
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OCELLI School Bell Timer Smart Automatic Bell Management System 3 Seasons 20 Sessions Per Day + Unlimited Holidays. Standard Display Model

Product ID: 632073165
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School Bell Timer is used to control an electrical bell or a Hooter so they ring or hoot at a predetermined time and duration. It is an all-electronic, digital timer with no external mechanical switches/buttons or controls. The School Bell timer can be accessed and configured/controlled from any smart phone or PC over its own wireless network (no WIFI connection required). Unlike any other School Bell timers on the market, this school bell timer is secured with a unique password to prevent accidental or intentional unauthorized access. The school bell features a user-friendly intuitive menu driven interface. The school bell timer has three distinctive display sections: 1. primarily info-only display section (above the horizontal tab), 2. School bell control Tabs (horizontal tab) 3. School Bell settings control section (below the horizontal tab). The school bell can be accessed using a PC, Tablet, Mobile or any other device with access to a web browser using an inbuilt WIFI. You do not need an external WIFI connection or a data plan on your mobile to connect, program and control the School bell timer. Settings such as device name (SSID), password, time zone can be changed as per user preference. Info section displays the WIFI status, Current date and time, Name (SSID) of the device, Uptime since the last power up, Real Time Clock time, battery voltage, The duration of the programmed calendar (the number of days in the year that the program covers) and the time at which the next bell will ring in a given day unless it is an holiday in which case it shows as a holiday. These settings are updated once every 30 seconds. Date and time may not be correct when the device is powered up for the first time but will reflect the correct value after the first setup procedure. Date and Time is automatically updated whenever any settings of the device is changed. That means, there is no user action is needed to update the date or the time and these get updated along with other

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The product quality is outstanding. Exactly what I needed for my work.

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