With notes of sugary sweetness, bright citrus, and soothing milk chocolate, our Smooth Blend is a taste symphony that brings pleasure to the palate. Enjoy the harmony of flavors with our Koonoo Smooth Specialty Coffee Beans. This medium roast blend is crafted to offer a balanced and cozy coffee experience. Our beans are sourced from the finest growing regions in Latin America and Africa, chosen for their superior quality. We uphold the standards of the Specialty Coffee Association, guaranteeing you a cup that’s more than just coffee - it's a celebration of flavor. Our beans are ready for your preferred brewing method, whether it's V60, Chemex, Aeropress, Espresso, or French press, letting the authentic coffee aroma and taste shine through. About KOONOO Coffee: Specialty coffee and convenience haven’t been the best of friends, until now. Why? Because coffee that’s convenient to make usually lacks in quality. And quality coffee isn’t always the easiest to make. And this is the very reason Koonoo was born. To help you begin your journey with barista-quality coffee