HardCover. Pages: 100 Publisher: Laurence King Publishers No product created as much internal debate. What dogs should we include Everyone in the office expressed a different view. One person loved Pugs. Then the person on the desk opposite expressed a passionate distaste for them . This one thought Irish Setters were the best dogs in the word. while another argued that you couldn't beat Laadors. But were they too expensive to feed And how about the amount of grooming required Dalmatians Whippets And how about that old favourite. the English Bulldog In order to settle all these questions once and for all. this informative game aimed at dog lovers of all ages. pitches dog eeds against one another in a number of categories. from keenness of nose to top speed. diet and grooming. Presented in a simple yet stylish box. this set of forty playing cards (instructions not included) w...
1 month ago
1 month ago