2 in 1 Spill Absorbent & Sweeping Compound 9 Liter Bag - Safe, 100% Organic, Easy to Use Universal Absorbent for Hazardous and Non-Hazardous Spill Cleanups
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2 in 1 Spill Absorbent & Sweeping Compound 9 Liter Bag - Safe, 100% Organic, Easy to Use Universal Absorbent for Hazardous and Non-Hazardous Spill Cleanups

Product ID: 62136626
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The only product you need for Liquid Spill Cleanup! For spills at home: in the kitchen, garage, laundry room – or anywhere inside and outside your home.For spills on the job: garages, restaurants, warehouses, factories and more.Non-abrasive, so it can be used on any surface including marble, tile, wood, porcelain, stainless steel, concrete or laminatesSPILLFIX ABSORBS:Oil and automotive fluids (all types)Fuels, Lubricants, GreaseWaterBodily fluids and vomitPaint (all types), Coatings and Finishes, Varnish, Wood Stains, Brush Cleaners, Polymers, Thinners, Acetone, Mineral SpiritsGlueChemicals and ResinsFood products: Cooking oils (all types), Fats and greases, Milk and cream products, Sauces and salad dressings, Sodas, juices and syrupsChemical detergentsCleansersBlood and meat juicesand moreForget about dusty, tracking, ineffective absorbents and sweeping compounds that create more of a mess than they clean up.This is the only product you'll need!This all-natural absorbent and sweeping compound (made from coconuts) absorbs 9x its weight in liquid, picking up and holding onto any liquid spill – so there’s no drip, leak or leaching from the absorbent and no slick or sticky residue left behind.DIRECTIONS FOR USE:1) Identify spill.2) Apply SpillFix to the spill, starting from the perimeter to stop further spreading. Apply until no liquid is visible.3) Sweep with broom (or putty knife) until all liquid is absorbed.4) Use a dustpan and broom to sweep up for disposal.Our Mission Our mission is to provide the safest, healthiest, and most effective liquid spill absorbent and sweeping compound in the world (and to help you save money, as SpillFix can be reused over and over again!)

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Anjali K.

The product quality is outstanding. Exactly what I needed for my work.

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Khalid Z.

Great experience from order to delivery. Highly recommended!

1 week ago

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