TevaWomen's Verra Hiking Open Toe Sandals
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TevaWomen's Verra Hiking Open Toe Sandals

Product ID: 62124593
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Teva Verra Women's Walking Sandals Adventure ready-but also sleek and feminine The Teva Women's Verra Sandal is the ideal footwear for active and sporty types looking for something lightweight and feminine to wear all summer long. Stylish and easy to wear, the Verra is intended for off-road escapades, so if you're planning an adventure this summer these women's hiking sandals won't let you down. Teva's Spider OriginalTM rubber outsole offers outstanding grip on any surface, even wet and slippery rocks, and the heel of the sandal features a Shoc PadTM to cushion your feet and absorb any impact from the ground. A contoured, foam midsole provides further padding for comfort that will last you all day, while the fully adjustable, 3 point fastening system will keep your feet secure and supported at all times. A great choice for the fashion conscious adventurer, the Teva Women's Verra Sandal will keep you ready for anything.

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Fast shipping and excellent packaging. The Leatherman tool feels very premium and sturdy.

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Great price for an authentic product. Fast international shipping too!

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Abdullah B.

Great price for an authentic product. Fast international shipping too!

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