MUTUACTOR 500kg Double Sided Combined Fishing Magnets
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MUTUACTOR 500kg Double Sided Combined Fishing Magnets

Product ID: 621070937
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Consisting of an N52 neodymium magnet built into a steel shell, it concentrates the magnetic field on the bottom and top of the magnet, increasing the magnetic force by 2.5-4 times compared to the bare magnet. The steel shell prevents the magnet from cracking and flaking. Designed for intensive use and underwater, it can pick up lost equipment, tools, old ferrous objects from deep water, fountains, holes, also great for lifting and hanging applications. Specification 1. Material: N52 Neodymium Magnet 2. Size: D75mm x 66mm (Total height, magnetic base thickness 25mm) 3. Vertical tensile force 250 kg. Horizontal tensile force: 45 kg per side (tightening surfaces on both sides) based on a 30 mm thick steel plate. 4. Maximum operating temperature: 80°C. 5. PACKAGE INCLUDES 1 x Fishing Magnet + 66 Feet (20m) Nylon Rope + 1 Pair Golves + 1 x Carry Bag. Note: 1. The 250kg is the vertical magnetic pulling force that pulls the magnet away from the 30mm thick steel plate of a tensile tester under ideal conditions. This does not mean the actual weight that the fishing magnet can lift. Actual pulling force varies mainly depending on the following variables: A: Thickness of steel (the thicker the steel, the stronger the tensile force) B: attraction position (the farther from the centre of gravity of the attracted object, the lower the pulling force). C: pull direction (the angle is 90° by default, the stronger the pulling force), the pulling force in the horizontal direction is only about a third that in the vertical direction)

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