Spingola Specials - May 25, 2013 - Introducing N with V. K. Clark 1 of 2
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Spingola Specials - May 25, 2013 - Introducing N with V. K. Clark 1 of 2

Product ID: 62094724
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In this super informative discussion, Military Historian and concurrent PsyD candidate Veronica K. Clark discusses the importance of NLP (Neuro-linguistic Programming). Every one of us uses the principles of NLP in our everyday lives, though we likely do not realize it. Nor do most of us capitalize upon these valuable principles to our benefit. Well, now’s the time to change that by listening to this single marathon 2-hour talk on the subject!Listen to this superb talk to learn about the field of NLP and its value to our personal lives, the science behind good vs. bad communication, the interconnections between knowledge and perception, and how all this information can be applied across the board in daily life.You can't afford to miss this!On the Web: https://wilkmocy.comWhen sold by, this product is manufactured on demand using CD-R recordable media.'s standard return policy will apply.

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