GECKO LIFT Premium Silicone Grip Pads, Thick Soft Non-Slip Non Sweat, Best Weight Lifting Glove Alternative, 4x4in 10x10cm, (2 Pads)
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GECKO LIFT Premium Silicone Grip Pads, Thick Soft Non-Slip Non Sweat, Best Weight Lifting Glove Alternative, 4x4in 10x10cm, (2 Pads)

Product ID: 612575158
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GECKO LIFT pads were inspired by lack of good exercise equipment that met all the following conditions.- OPEN DESIGN to allow palms to cool. Face and hands is the largest thermal regulating surface in humans. Gloves tend to capture heat and sweat. hindering cooling thus workout performance. Open design allows quickest cooling.- THICK CUSHION prevents callus. Most workout equipment don't have a cushion. Even if workout weights have a cushion, it is not as soft or ideal gripping condition. Weight lifting gloves cant provide such cushion because making gloves thick prevents finger dexterity or mobility. Unlike weight lifting gloves these pads can be designed much thicker, 5mm. Thick cushion reduces pressure on fingers making the load seem less. This gives additional weight lifting performance.- GRIPPYNESS is unmatched with GECKO LIFT. Yes it is in the name. Made of special formulation, surface properties are optimized to grip to all kinds of surfaces without sticking to your hands. Weight lifting, gripping heavy objects or even holding the GECKO LIFT Pads is kind of fun. You have to try it yourself to feel it. If you don't like it, you can always return it. As always, safety first so make sure the grip is tested before full weight training. - DURABILITY. While making a thick cushion, manufacturers tend to make the product porous, which gives softness and lightness, but porous materials don't do well with lots of bending. - COLOR may not be essential to training. However, variety that matches you and your outfit personality definitely boost ones morale and performance.

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Great price for an authentic product. Fast international shipping too!

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