Japanese seven spice, also known as shichimi togarashi, is a popular seasoning that brings seven unique ingredients together for a distinct flavor profile. Now, with McCormick Culinary Japanese Seven Spice, chefs can take advantage of the signature vivid color and spicy taste. Achieve made-from-scratch taste without measuring and blending ingredients. Premium herbs and spices create this contemporary flavor profile. Ingredients like red pepper, Sichuan pepper and ginger add spiciness, while orange peel, white and black sesame seed and nori flakes — seaweed — brighten the blend. Together, these on-trend flavors will satisfy your customers' cravings and keep them coming back. McCormick Culinary Japanese Seven Spice Seasoning has been blended to meet culinary professionals' flavor and performance needs. Save time and effort with a seasoning that takes the guesswork out of creating dishes with global appeal. Each container comes with 16.5 ounces of pre-blended Japanese spice, saving time and effort. With the shaker and spoon dispensing options, you'll always be ready to spice up your recipes. Japanese seven spice brings flavor and heat to all kinds of menu items. It's a standard ingredient in traditional dishes like ramen, miso, tempura, edamame and udon noodles. Along with seasoning Japanese classics, this blend also adds some spicy-citrusy heat to grilled meats and seafood. Try using it with steamed rice, grain salads, sauteed vegetables or fries to liven up your sides. For an irresistibly bold color and mouthwatering finish, mix some into broths, dips and dressings. With Japanese seven spice seasoning, you can add bold flavor to your menu while experiencing peace of mind because your customers are indulging in nothing but the best. Because this spice is kosher and blended without added MSG, you can treat even more customers to authentically flavored cuisine.
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