Scottish Airs and Dances for Viola & Cello: or Solo Viola
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Scottish Airs and Dances for Viola & Cello: or Solo Viola

Product ID: 61058348
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The twenty-five pieces in this collection date back to 18th and 19th century Scotland. Included are song and fiddle airs, strathspeys, reels, jigs, a hornpipe and the sword dance. The pieces are arranged for viola and cello with guitar chords. Since the viola generally has the melody, the pieces can also be played by solo viola. The music of Scotland is unique. The airs have their own special beauty, and the dances are fun to play with lively tempos, dotted rhythms, and sudden key changes. This music has been the pleasure of country fiddler and pipers. Now violists and cellists, and their listeners, can feel themselves transported to the Lowlands and Highlands of Scotland. Twenty-five pieces dating back to 18th and 19th century Scotland. Includes song and fiddle airs, strathspeys, reels, jigs, a hornpipe and the sword dance. Since the viola generally has the melody, the pieces can also be played by solo viola, and guitar chords are included. The airs have a special beauty and the dances are fun to play, with lively tempos, dotted rhythms, and sudden key changes.

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