This is a brand new and sealed 2019 Edition, Lodger/Room Rental Agreement Pack, including a Notice to Quit. Suitable for using when a Homeowner of a Furnished Property wishes to rent out a room and then share common areas of the dwelling, (bathroom, kitchen,etc), with one or more Lodgers. It is suitable for anyone taking in a Lodger and renting a room within their own home. It is drafted for use in England and Wales. It is our, (DIY Legal Forms), brand new, totally updated edition. It is legally compliant and was prepared by our own in-house Legal Team. The sealed pack contains TWO Lodger Agreements printed onto top quality, legal grade paper, and FREE Guidance Notes for its completion, printed onto plain white paper. It is ready to use, and is designed to be easy to follow and fill in. Allowing you to quickly complete the document inexpensively, and in the comfort of your own home. It is supported by our FREE LEGAL HELPLINE. If you need any assistance whilst completing your Lodger Agreement, simply ask us your question and we will answer it, usually same working day. A signed Lodger Agreement will protect you and your Property and sets out all the obligations you require of your Lodger, (rent payment, care of your property, house rules, etc), and the services you as the Landlord will provide. It includes space to enter the length of any agreement you wish to make with your Lodger and importantly, provisions for ending the Agreement. You will need a separate Agreement for every Lodger you take in.