20-Count 3-Ply Paper Cocktail Napkins, Blue Sea of Pink Blossoms, 5 x 5 inches
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20-Count 3-Ply Paper Cocktail Napkins, Blue Sea of Pink Blossoms, 5 x 5 inches

Product ID: 6036793
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Create dynamic tablescapes and stunning place settings by pairing patterned napkins with matching plates and coordinating solids. Plates and napkins are offered in multiple sizes, allowing you to mix and match, layer and customize. Ideal Home Range offers a sustainable option for conscientious consumers, producing 100% biodegradable napkins using the safest tissues, inks and printing processes. IHR napkin tissue is 100% cellulose from cracked wood (fallen trees) and plantation wood (managed forests where trees are planted specifically for the production of paper materials) and all tissue is oxygen bleached without the use of chlorine. IHR ink is water soluble, contains no heavy metals or solvents of any kind and meets the requirements of German Food and Health laws and the USFDA. Used ink is never dumped into sewage and is always recycled and reintegrated into the color system. The production working area is naturally pollution-free and no harmful emissions are produced. IHR has earned a certificate of approval from the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC), a prestigious certificate only awarded to those who meet all of the FSC's standards for sustainability, forest management, well being of the forest workers and effects on indigenous peoples and the local environment. Ideal Home Range is exclusively represented in the United States by Boston International and is considered to be the international market leader and trendsetter in the field of high-class table decoration and interior accessories. IHR began in an old village school in Germany in 1977, when Ingrid and Hanjo Rick conceived the idea of producing accessories in the arts and crafts tradition in order to communicate their concept of interior design. They soon discovered the tissue napkin as a design object and the basis of stylish table decorations and turned it into the key feature of their product. More than 8,000 items are offered today in most countries of the world.

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