Midkart Front & Back Anti-Glare Pet Film Compatible with iPhone 15 Pro Max Relase 2023 Bubble-Free Case Friendly Screen Protector, Matte
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Midkart Front & Back Anti-Glare Pet Film Compatible with iPhone 15 Pro Max Relase 2023 Bubble-Free Case Friendly Screen Protector, Matte

Product ID: 600202406
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How to easily install the Hydro-gel Membrane on your phone. NOTE: Install the screen guard in a No-Air Zone to avoid accumulation of dust. 1. Clean the phone display with the wet and dry wipes given and check for any dust present as the screen needs to be dust-free. 2. Remove the number 1 layer on the guard and align it on the phone screen from top to bottom and left to right accurately and swipe the card which has come along with the package. NOTE: You can lift the guard as many times wanted for proper alignment as the guard in under layer 2 and 3. If there is bubbles forming during this process, it is absolutely fine and you need not to worry about it. 3. After completing the alignment process, peel number 2 and swipe the card with a slight pressure to avoid forming of bubbles as this is the final process of application. 4. Repeat the same process by peeling off number 3 on the screen guard. 5. Now remove the 4th layer from any corner which is on the extreme top. 6. Press and move your thumb on all the edges for the edges to stick perfectly. 7. Hurray !!!! The screen guard is now installed and the phone is ready for use

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Excellent communication throughout the order process. Product is perfect.

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The product quality is outstanding. Exactly what I needed for my work.

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