Ice Roller For Face Eyes and Neck To Brighten Skin & Enhance Your Natural Glow/Reusable Facial Treatment to Tighten & Tone Skin & De-Puff The Eye Area (Blue)
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Ice Roller For Face Eyes and Neck To Brighten Skin & Enhance Your Natural Glow/Reusable Facial Treatment to Tighten & Tone Skin & De-Puff The Eye Area (Blue)

Product ID: 598235876
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Product description Ice face rollers are a new skincare tools that give you almost instant results. The Benefits of Ice-Rolling ❄️ Depuffing-ice rolling helps increase blood flow and drain fluid, which in turn helps reduce puffiness. This can be especially effective for those under-eye bags after those late nights or early mornings. ❄️ Reduce redness - It will soothe your skin, reduce redness, and increase the speed of recovery whether you just had an invasive skincare treatment or you have a pesky pimple. 3. Helps Reduce Headaches - A cold compress can help alleviate the effects these might have on your skin. ❄️ Helps Your Skin Absorb Product - Since ice rollers help stimulate the blood flow in your face, if you use them at the end of your AM or PM skincare routine, they can help your skin absorb your products even more ❄️Tightens and shrinks pores, Brightens the complexion * Stimulates blood circulation. * Suited for all skin types ❄️ Unbreakable - Reusable Silicone Material - Easy To Hold & Easy To Use ❄️ Ice facial roller can works great on neck, face, back hand, wrist, shoulders and foot. Offer you the most complete massage therapy How to use an Ice Roller 1. Fill it with water or DIY some essence liquids into it and after it’s been in the fridge for a few hours, it start to work its magic. 2. You can just roll it in a T motion across your forehead, down your nose, and on your cheeks. 3. We recommend applying slightly more pressure while rolling it upwards on your lower cheeks as this will help lift your skin, de-puffing, tightening and brightening your skin. 4. We recommend you go through the course motions for about 10-15 minutes! Top Tip: Wait a few minutes before opening, or run under water to loosen the lid Q: Should I wash my face after I use different recipes? A:Yes, we encourage experimenting with different ingredients to see which best suits you. After i Safety Warning keep away from fire

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Fast shipping and excellent packaging. The Leatherman tool feels very premium and sturdy.

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The delivery time was excellent, and the packaging was secure.

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