14 in 1 Outdoor Emergency Survival Gear Kit Camping Tactical Tools SOS EDC Case
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14 in 1 Outdoor Emergency Survival Gear Kit Camping Tactical Tools SOS EDC Case

Product ID: 592799804
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DetailsOutdoor Emergency Survival Gear Kit and Military Tactical Tools Kit 14 in 1 Set can also be called an SOS EDC Case Outdoor Camping Hiking First Aid Survival Kit for Self Defence.Anyone can get into an unexpected emergency situation. There is such a relief to have a survival kit around, you will never want to be outdoors without this one ever again. It's a great gift for adventurous Dads and brave young men, who will learn to protect themselves better with this kit. Plan more adventurous trips and be prepared with this tool kit in your car and or even at home. This multifunctional survival kit is equipped with 14 practical tools.1. Multi-Function Compass: 360-degree rotating bezel for easy navigation and orienteering. The compass glows in the dark, making it easy to read in any weather or light.2. Wire Saw: Cuts wood (not more than 3 inches), plastic, bone, rubber, and soft metal.3. Whistle: The High-Frequency Double Hole Whistle sounds loud enough to be heard by the rescue team, in case one is lost.4. Case: All survival tools will be packaged and stored in the Black box that is waterproof and shockproof. 5. Saber Card: Credit card size, easy to fit in your wallet or bag. Can opener, cap opener, 4 position wrench, 2 position wrench, butterfly wrench, directional wrench, screwdriver, knife blade, saw blade, ruler, key chain, etc.6. Multiple-function Tactics Knife: The survival knife is ideal for any use.7. Portable Mini Light: Small and practical, can also be a key ring.8. Water Bottle Retaining: Simple and solid way to carry a water bottle.9. Tactical Torch Flashlight: A compact handheld flashlight that magnifies the beam or amplifies the illumination. With ultra-high brightness LED lights, one can survive for a few hours with just one AA battery (AA battery not included).10. Emergency Thermal Blanket x 2: Provides convenient easy protection in cold or warm weather conditions for two people.11. Multi-function scrape.12. Firesticks fire starter.13. Emergence Tu

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