Fuxus Hydraulic Ram water pump (including RAM pump or Rampump)- This Hydraulic Ram Pump Water Up To 40 metres in height. It is the same only with water powered.- Ideal for watering the garden of fields and gardens, homes, cow troughs, fish ponds, etc.- Additional, electric or other auxiliary energy is not necessary.- Once set in motion, the Aries completely works by itself.Pump Height and pump power settings can be adjusted manually.- For operation, only running water is required, such as from a stream.- The minimum drop height of the so-called life water is a minimum. 0.5 m. The amount of the "Life water must be at least as much knowledge that the tube of the Zulaufs stays fully filled.- If the existing water, you can also use the collector.- The operational safety and performance are very high in this Aries. This also applies to the maintenance and care minimal.- A series or parallel connection of hydraulic Widdern ist möglich, around to achieve the maximum advantage.- The technology used in the water Widders is Jahrhundertealt and proven its worth.- This pump works after pressure shock technology. There is a lot of information about the how it works and the web of uses.Technical Data:- Weight: approx. 8 kg- Height: intake (Operating Water) 1 up to 5 m- Max. Pumping Height: 40 m – Tube diameter feed 50 mm Pipe (2 ') – Tube diameter Pumpseitig 3/4 inch (inch pipe thread)- Dimensions: approx. 450 x 140 x 240 mm- Pump Height to approximately 25 times the drop height of operating water.- Sale/Box Contents as shown in the pictures.
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