Key Features: Adjustable Design: The center knob is easily adjustable to accommodate various hand sizes and individual preferences. User-Friendly Data Management: This dynamometer supports up to 19 definable users, with options to specify gender and age. It allows you to save and retrieve test results for each user. Comparative Analysis: It compares each user's test runs side-by-side and presents the incremental increase or decrease from the previous record. Customized Assessment: The device rates each test run as ""weak,"" ""normal,"" or ""strong"" based on the age and gender data entered for each user. Switchable Units: You can easily switch between pounds and kilograms anytime, even when viewing the last recorded data. How to Use: 1 Battery Activation: Remove the isolation tag from the battery case. 2 Power On: Press the (ON/SET) button to turn on the device. 3 User Selection: Use the middle two buttons (ARROWS up/down) to select a different user. Press the (ON/SET) button to cycle between gender and age settings for the selected user, and adjust the values using the arrow buttons. 4 Test Your Grip: When ready, press the (START) button to initiate the hand grip test. 5 Unit Conversion: By pressing the (ON/SET) button, you can switch between LB and KG. 6 Real-Time Feedback: While squeezing, the device displays the force you are currently exerting. Upon release, it shows the maximum/peak grip strength achieved. 7 Result Saving: Press the (ARROW down) button to save the result or hit the (START) button to retest. 8 Comparative Analysis: After completing your grip test and the maximum result is displayed, if you wait for 6 seconds, the device will provide a comparison to your saved result, indicating the difference in pounds or kilograms.
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