Korda Carp Fishing NEW Baiting Needles
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Korda Carp Fishing NEW Baiting Needles

Product ID: 57027820
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Baiting Needles Baiting tools are an important part of any carp angler's kit, some people are happy to use one needle for everything. However, seeing as we are self-confessed perfectionists, we like to use exactly the right tools for the job. For that reason we have designed these little babies. We have produced the needles in mega-bright colours to minimise the chance of misplacing them. How many times have you dropped your baiting needle onto the grass and lost it? A lot I would guess. However, this is now completely eliminated with the super-bright handles on the Korda range of needles. Here's a rundown of the range... HEAVY LATCH NEEDLE - BRIGHT GREEN HANDLE Ideal for use with boilies and particles. FINE LATCH NEEDLE - PURPLE HANDLE Ideal for use with soft boilies, soft pellets, sweetcorn or splicing. HEAVY LATCH STIK NEEDLE - RED HANDLE Ideal for pulling hook links through sticks or making stringers. BRAIDED HAIR NEEDLE - YELLOW HANDLE Ideal for hairs made with braid because it won't get caught in the fibres. SUPER STRONG SPLICING NEEDLE ? ORANGE HANDLE The perfect needle for splicing leadcore.

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Received my product in pristine condition. Great service overall.

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Excellent communication throughout the order process. Product is perfect.

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