Language:Chinese.Paperback. Pub Date: 2009-7-1 Pages: 451 Publisher: little brown The I Ching (pronounced ee-ching) is the oldest and mostrespected oracle or divinatory system in the world There arecurrently two translations available which offer somewhatconflicting interpretations - the. popular Confucian version and anearlier Taoist version called Zhouyi. Reconstructed bytwentieth-century scholars and archaeologists. Zhouyi presents thehighly imaginative world of myth and ritual that is the hidden baseof thousands of years of Eastern thought. Now. for the first timeever. Stephen Karcher fuses these two traditions using modernscholarship and archaeological and linguistic research. along witha wide background in Eastern philosophy and comparative religion. and presents them to the modern Western reader in a comprehensiveand accessible new form. TOTAL I CHING is a complete or...