Free Range GOOSE Eggs - pasture fed (2)
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Free Range GOOSE Eggs - pasture fed (2)

Product ID: 560134193
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Product description Our Free Range Goose Eggs are so big! The flock has grassy fields and fresh flowing water to enjoy! Goose egg laying season is 'normally' mid February to May. Our flock of 70 or so are not 'normal' !! We often have many of our ladies lay in the Autumn/Winter. A goose egg is much like a chicken egg, only much larger. Despite their extra hard white shells (which you can save, wash and decorate) and massive size, goose eggs can be used like any other eggs in the kitchen. You can hard boil them, fry them or even use them to make devilled eggs. Because of the vibrant colour of their yolks, goose eggs are perfect for making pasta. They are extremely desirable in Italy for pasta recipes. They are also sought after for baking because their consistency makes a thick, moist batter that holds together well. But that doesn’t mean you cannot use goose eggs for “normal” recipes. Hard boiling goose eggs take a few more minutes than it takes for chicken eggs—about 20 mins in boiling water. A couple of hard boiled goose eggs can make an excellent meal. Their delicious yolks will shine through in a devilled egg recipe. A typical goose egg weighing about 144 g, contains 266 calories. It provides almost 20g of protein and 20g of fat, 5g of which is saturated. A goose egg contains about 2g of carbohydrates. A goose egg provides 9% of the recommended daily allowance of calcium, 19% of vitamin A and 29% of iron. It offers 53.1 mg of selenium. A goose egg is also a good source of the carotenoid, a type of antioxidant, lutein which can help with eye and skin health. Ingredients egg

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