Sukh Cane Webbing Roll Rattan - 3.3 Feet Caning Material for Chairs 13" Width Cane Webbing Woven Mesh Cane Rattan Webbing Natural Cane Webbing Sheet for Chairs,Cabinet
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Sukh Cane Webbing Roll Rattan - 3.3 Feet Caning Material for Chairs 13" Width Cane Webbing Woven Mesh Cane Rattan Webbing Natural Cane Webbing Sheet for Chairs,Cabinet

Product ID: 559455941
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Information: Item:Cane Rattan Webbing Size:13"*3 feet Package:1 Roll Natural Rattan Material: The rattan webbing made of import natural rattan,environmentally friendly .Our cane webbing is light and tough,soft and flexible,the surface smooth no scratches,can bring long time usign service,best for furniture decoration. Octagonal Hole Design: Our cane webbing makde of octagonal Information: Item:Cane Rattan Webbing Size:18"*3 feet Package:1 Roll Natural Rattan Material: The rattan webbing made of import natural rattan,environmentally friendly .Our cane webbing is light and tough,soft and flexible,the surface smooth no scratches,can bring long time usign service,best for furniture decoration. Octagonal Hole Design: Our cane webbing makde of octagonal hole design,unique weaving process.You can feel free to cut it to the desired size with scissors,cut along the position of the hole, the rattan not loose.You can DIY any of your furniture,enjoy the fun of DIY. Long-term Use: Please soak it in warm water for 30 minutes before use. This will make the product flat, easy to handle and will not sag when finished. After using for a period of time, wipe the surface with light salt water to remove dirt and make it flexible and durable.

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