Bambibo Plastic Shape Sorter Toy - Bright Colourful Shapes and Alphabet Blocks | Shape Matching Baby Blocks Toys | Baby Alphabet Toys | Learning and Educational Activity Toys with Storage Basket
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Bambibo Plastic Shape Sorter Toy - Bright Colourful Shapes and Alphabet Blocks | Shape Matching Baby Blocks Toys | Baby Alphabet Toys | Learning and Educational Activity Toys with Storage Basket

Product ID: 559268813
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"The Plastic Shape Sorter Game is an educational toy designed to help young children learn basic shapes, colors, and alphabets. It comes with a variety of brightly colored plastic blocks in different shapes and letters. The blocks fit into matching holes in the sorting bucket, helping children learn to match shapes and colors. Playing with the Plastic Shape Sorter Game can help children develop their fine motor skills as they practice grasping and manipulating the blocks. It also helps children to learn about colors, shapes and letters, and it can be used to teach children basic sorting and matching skills. The shape sorter toy is made of durable and safe plastic materials that are suitable for children of all ages. It is designed to be easy for little hands to grasp and manipulate, making it a great tool for encouraging imaginative play and sparking curiosity in children. The toy comes with a storage bucket that helps to keep the blocks organized and easy to clean up after playtime. The bucket also makes it easy to transport the toy, allowing children to take it with them on the go. It is a perfect learning toy activity for kids educational development game, and it's an ideal gift for children between the age of 1-4 years old."

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