High Contrast Colors and Super Bold Fonts With a simple graphics to reach an eye catching and having high impact communication to alerts neighbors, firemen and rescue personnel that there is a pet trapped inside the house. In case of an emergency, don’t leave anything up to chance. Ensure that your pets are well planned placing a Pet Rescue Sticker on your door or window. Premium Quality Waterproof, Weatherproof, Scratch and UV Resistant Overlaminate iSYFIX have designed this Warning sticker with LG Hausys high performance grade vinyl, and printed with long-lasting inks with and added UV glossy protective overlaminate to create a waterproof, weatherproof, scratch and UV resistant decals that will no fade and last for many years. How to install We recommend you to thoroughly clean the substrate to remove any dust, grease, or silicone before applying the adhesive. Works great on flat surfaces such as your window, wall, door, or mailbox. After the purchase, we will send you an email with an attached PDF containing the install instructions. What You Will Receive Includes: 4 pcs of Alert Pets Inside Sticker with Letters in White and Background in Red & Black, Size: 7 inches width x 5 inches height.
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