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BOXULOCK FlexBox Indoor and Outdoor Lockable Storage Box. Multi-use large lock box. Built-in code lock. Black., BFB1
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BOXULOCK FlexBox Indoor and Outdoor Lockable Storage Box. Multi-use large lock box. Built-in code lock. Black., BFB1

Product ID: 555609538
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A big, spacious, weatherproof, lockable storage box that comes with an integrated combination lock.Made from high density oxford material with a water proof coating, strengthened with pp board all round and feet to keep it off the ground, this box is all about flexibility as it arrives compact folded. Unlike other boxes there's nothing to put together. Simply pop open and drop in the floor panel. That's it, you're good to go.With a roomy 116.6 litres of storage capacity at your disposal use it for what you will indoors and outdoors. Oh, did we mention it was made of weatherproof material with an added water repellent coating and that it has feet for added ground clearance?What's more, its pop-up foldable design makes it an altogether more flexible, versatile lockable storage box than most other rigid boxes - many of which you've got to spend time and effort putting together. It also has two heavy duty carry handles either side making it easy to move about as needed. When not in use simply collapse FlexBox back into its original compact state for easy storage.

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Fast shipping and excellent packaging. The Leatherman tool feels very premium and sturdy.

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Abdullah B.

Great price for an authentic product. Fast international shipping too!

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