BIG SCREEN STACKS | PROP MONEY DOLLARS | UK COMPANY | $1,000,000 | FULL PRINT $100 DOLLAR BILLS | Extra bank strap | For Movies, Advertising, Play, Party, Supreme, Gun, Fancy Dress, Casino Games
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BIG SCREEN STACKS | PROP MONEY DOLLARS | UK COMPANY | $1,000,000 | FULL PRINT $100 DOLLAR BILLS | Extra bank strap | For Movies, Advertising, Play, Party, Supreme, Gun, Fancy Dress, Casino Games

Product ID: 550311124
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Product description ★YOU GET 100 STACKS of $100 Double Sided Prop Money Dollars - NEW Style MILLION DOLLARS ★ Give your films the authentic look with this MILLION DOLLAR STACK of 100 Dollar Fake Money Bills. Wrapped with an Authentic Currency Strap, and supplied with an extra strap completely FREE OF CHARGE, just in case you want to separate your stack and put back together again. 'IN MOTION PICTURE MONEY WE TRUST' - Created by the leading industry specialists. Every stack is quality assured to guarantee you a premium product. Used on Major TV and film productions,YouTube, Instagram profiles, Music Videos aswell as being used as play toy money for casino companies, poker tournaments, money gun cannon monopoly games and occasionally used to prank grandma. Looks and Feels as close to Real Money whilst adhering to the legal requirements of Prop Money Production.Legal Stuff: Big Screen Stacks prop production dollars are designed and created for the film and promotion industry, for use in movies, product promotions, music videos, social media and training only. They are not legal tender, and will not pass as real money. It is a federal offence to use prop money in any way, other than its intended use, and can lead to imprisonment if found to be used illegally.Big Screen Stacks have created these prop bills, adhering to the legal requirements of prop money production, clearly stating “COPY” and “FOR MOTION PICTURE USE ONLY”, they contain fictitious characters, badges, buildings and code numbers, as well as different colour shades. All of our custom designs, artworks, photographs and listings, are legally owned by Big Screen Stacks, and cannot be reproduced by any third party, without consent by Big Screen Stacks. Any copying of products, listings copy, and photographs will be reported to the relevant authorities. Safety Warning Not for legal tender use, intended for film and promotion use only; use subject to legal requirements and penalties for misuse.

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