Limos Mini Toy Animal Figures 44-Pieces Set
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Limos Mini Toy Animal Figures 44-Pieces Set

Product ID: 548644421
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Limos Mini Toy Animal Figures Set, a captivating collection of 44 plastic wild zoo animal figures designed to provide endless fun and educational value for children. Crafted with high-quality PVC material, these toys ensure safety with no burrs or sharp edges, making them suitable for young children. This set features a diverse range of wildlife models, including lions, hippos, pandas, tigers, wild dogs, giraffes, polar bears and more. With 44 different animal shapes to explore, children can immerse themselves in the world of the jungle and safari. To enhance the play experience, the set includes 14 scene decorations, such as trees, wooden poles, stones and large mountains. These elements allow children to create a realistic and immersive wildlife environment for their animal figures. Additionally, the set comes with a convenient storage box, ensuring all the toys can be neatly organized and kept in one place. This makes it easy to bring the animal figures along for adventures or store them when not in use. Each animal figure is meticulously designed with clear lines, vibrant colors and lifelike details. These visual features aim to attract a child's attention and foster their understanding of wildlife in an intuitive way. By interacting with these toy animals, children can develop a closer connection to nature and gain a deeper appreciation for the animal kingdom. The Limos Mini Toy Animal Figures Set offers a combination of fun, imagination and educational benefits. It is an ideal choice for young nature enthusiasts, fostering their creativity and nurturing their understanding of wildlife in a playful manner.

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Best international shipping I've ever tried. Worth every penny!

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Great price for an authentic product. Fast international shipping too!

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The product exactly matches the description. Very satisfied with my purchase.

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