Well-planned plant-based diets can support healthy lifestyles at every age, from pre-parenthood, through pregnancy and breast-feeding, childhood and adulthood, and on into later years. Your diet during pregnancy and that of your infant during the first year of life can affect your child’s health 40,50 or even 60 years later. It is therefore of utmost importance that during pregnancy you and your baby are provided with good nutrition. During pregnancy you will require extra nutrition to support your growing fetus and to allow for changes in your body. Many theories abound on the feeding and raising of children, and healthcare professionals may make recommendations which differ from guidelines set out in this book in general, a more relaxed attitude to weaning and feeding children is currently in vogue. This guide helps in the transition to a vegan diet being the sidekick for many moms out there looking for advice on how to grow vegan children. Be the change, start today !
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