Tru+ & Vy Dual Appetite Suppressant for Weight Loss - 7-Day (28 Capsule) Kit
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Tru+ & Vy Dual Appetite Suppressant for Weight Loss - 7-Day (28 Capsule) Kit

Product ID: 544259193
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When it comes to our most popular products, we’re constantly striving to perfect them! And sometimes, this comes with change. Let us introduce you to our best combo yet, Tru+ & Vy! All the same core ingredients of TruFIX.Perfect 2 Different IngredientsWe’ve added two new and well-studied ingredients to our Tru+ & Vy formula. The first ingredient is a special potato extract. One of the main benefits of this extract is the satiety effect (or feelings of fullness) it provides. o help you combat cravings, we’ve added potato extract to hush hunger cues and stop you from your mid-day fast food run!The second ingredient is Hydrolyzed Brewer’s yeast extract. While it also targets satiety, it works differently from the potato extract. We found that Brewer’s yeast extract contains specially cut protein pieces called peptides, which bind to receptors in your gut and send a signal to your brain that you are full and satisfied, which helps you avoid eating more than you need to. Now that Tru+ comes with the dual-power of two forms of appetite control, you’ll be well on your way to your goal physique.Vy SupportsAdvanced Thermogenesis - This should help you burn off unwanted calories and fat when supported by a healthy diet and activity level.Increased energy - Rauwolscine, a key ingredient in Vy, motivates you to get up, get your steps in, and use that extra energy for good.Take one capsule the first day to determine tolerance. After the first day, increase to twice a day if desired. Take it before breakfast in the morning and again in the early afternoon. Do not take more than four capsules per day.Tru+ Supports Healthy blood sugar levels within the normal rangeAntioxidant levelsWeight maintenance, appetite, and hunger (whether you’re lookin’ for weight-loss or not)Take one capsule in the morning and another in the afternoon, with meals. Can also be taken with the evening meal.

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