Aclouddate Screen Protector Tempered Glass,[Anti-Fingerprint][No-Bubble][Scratch-Resistant] Glass Screen Protector
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Aclouddate Screen Protector Tempered Glass,[Anti-Fingerprint][No-Bubble][Scratch-Resistant] Glass Screen Protector

Product ID: 54109945
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Orgon Amulet Limitless, with Kyanite dissipates energy blockages, and promotes intellectual and spiritual development. Orgon pendant by Orgonise Africa - for effective protection from radiation, and energetic well-being. Orgon pendants protect one‘s personal energy field against psychic attacks, as well as electromagnetic influences. They are small enough to wear comfortably around your neck, yet their power is effective enough, and perfectly sufficient for protection. The name Kyanite, is derived from Greek, and refers to its predominantly blue colour. The other common name of Kyanite is "Disthene". The name "Disthene" is also derived from the Greek "dis" (to English: two) and "sthenos" (to English: force from, and translates to "dual hardness" It refers to the varying hardness of this gemstone, that differs from end to end. As a healing stone, Kyanite is said to give vitality and dissipate energy blockages. It is said to strengthen the nervous system, and exert a positive effect on motor function. Kyanite strengthens your identity, improves concentration and enables you to enjoy your life once again. It assists in strengthening your reasoning capabilities, discerning intuition, and consequent actions, thus helping you to respond sensibly in confusing situations, and to react in a more determined and calm manner. In addition, Kyanite helps in letting go, and can help the wearer recognize that everyone is responsible for his or her own happiness. Kyanite, furthermore, also has a positive effect on language development. It improves articulation and aids in the acquisition of new languages. - Application: Blue Kyanite is most active on the heart chakra. The Limitless Pendant should be worn for a period of time, on the body or placed directly on the affected body parts. For a spiritual effect, a meditative gaze is sufficient. In meditation, it is effective against indifference and enlightens the soul. Pendant with fabric necklace and sliding knots

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The MOLLE sheath is of exceptional quality. Very happy with my purchase.

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