TERRIFI 4-in-1 Wooden Montessori Toys for 12+ Months Baby Toddlers, Upgraded Object Permanence Box, Pound A Ball Hammering Toy, 1st Birthday Gift
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TERRIFI 4-in-1 Wooden Montessori Toys for 12+ Months Baby Toddlers, Upgraded Object Permanence Box, Pound A Ball Hammering Toy, 1st Birthday Gift

Product ID: 540754680
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Early education is very important for the development of young children. And kids love learning through playing. Our wooden pounding house toy combines 4 different games in 1 to boost toddlers' hands-on ability, hand-eye coordination, fine motor skills, practice the dexterity of little fingers, and learn the numbers, colors, and clock as well.Learn the Clock On the backside of the little house, there is a clock with movable hands, so kids can learn the clock and time by rotating the hour hand and minute hand.Locate the FlowerThere is a movable flower button on one side of the house that kids can move it and locate it to align with the flowers at the bottom, improving their fine motor skills.Count the BeadsOn the other side, there is a simple abacus with 3 little colorful beads, kids can name the color of the beads and learn basic counting from it.Rubber EdgingBuilt-in a rubber edging with 3 tips inside each hole, you can place the ball on it without falling off easily.Threshold DesignWith a threshold in front of the house, the ball falls in and rolls back out without running everywhere, so you can pick it up easily.Bright Colorshe little cute house and balls are painted in bright colors to appeal to kids, making it an engaging play option and keeping your little one occupied for hours.

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Vikram D.

The MOLLE sheath is of exceptional quality. Very happy with my purchase.

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Ayesha M.

The product exactly matches the description. Very satisfied with my purchase.

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