Heroes of Goo Jit Zu Deep Goo Sea Thrash Hero Pack. Super Squishy, Goo Filled Toy. with Chomp Attack Feature. Stretch Him 3 Times His Size!
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Heroes of Goo Jit Zu Deep Goo Sea Thrash Hero Pack. Super Squishy, Goo Filled Toy. with Chomp Attack Feature. Stretch Him 3 Times His Size!

Product ID: 539676978
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Heroes of Goo Jit Zu have submerged into the depths of the Deep Goo Sea! Everyone's favorite shark, Thrash has returned to defeat gooey UNDERWATER Villains! His body is filled with special gel beads making Thrash super squishy! Every Goo Jit Zu Deep Goo Sea hero figure also has a different goo filling with hidden sea creatures floating inside, making their bodies, arms, and legs squishy, crunchy, and stretchy! The depths of the Deep Goo Sea has activated a range of NEW and UNIQUE "Attack Features" amongst the Heroes of Goo Jit Zu. Thrash is ready to dive into battle using his "Chomp Attack"! Pull his head back to open up his frightening jaws! He can't wait to get his teeth into some battling action! Can our hero defeat the powers of evil and overcome villian Exoshock and Squidor's "Eye Pop Attack" and "Suction Attack"? Kids can stretch their Heroes of Goo Jit Zu up to 3 times their size, then watch them go back to their original shape! There are 4 Heroes of Goo Jit Zu Deep Goo Sea Hero Pack figures for boys and girls to collect, each with unique goo fillings, including Ultra Rare Exoshock. Your child will love to dive deep into new adventures with the Heroes of Goo Jit Zu and journey into the Deep Goo Sea!

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