What Is a Coffee Cherry? (The Fruit That Gives Us Coffee) It’s a little known fact that your cup of coffee comes from a piece of fruit known as the coffee cherry. All unripe coffee cherries are green in colour and become either red, yellow or orange when ripe. Inside each cherry is usually two seeds. Raw coffee beans are actually green in colour and only turn into their familiar brown once they are roasted. The majority of the cherry skins are discarded after they have been removed, but this waste product is a wonder product. Also referred as "coffee cherry tea" / "cascara" contains highest antioxidants of all beverages in the world. The antioxidant capacity of cascara is higher than most products available with an ORAC value of (343,900), compared to Turmeric (127,068) or wild blueberries (9,621). Allheal introduces post-biotic drink first time in India. Postbiotics may be better tolerated than probiotics. When you consume probiotics, you increase the number of beneficial bacteria in your body. However, some people may not tolerate probiotics well, so postbiotics may be a more suitable alternative. Benefits of Postbiotics are 1. Helps lower blood sugar and prevents obesity 2. Supports probiotics 3. Treats Diarrhea 4. Antimicrobial properties 5. Helps Support Immune System in Infants and People with Difficult Conditions For people with conditions that result in immunodeficiency (immune system deficiency or weakness), or infants, probiotics may not be tolerable or safe , but Postbiotic compounds, however, are much more tolerable, and may reduce problematic inflammation. 6. Reduces inflammation 7. Reduces digestive symptoms and many more...