100% Organic SUPERFOOD. Immune System, Health, Energy Levels, Wellbeing, Detoxification, Stress, Anxiety, Hormonal Balance, Mood & Fitness
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100% Organic SUPERFOOD. Immune System, Health, Energy Levels, Wellbeing, Detoxification, Stress, Anxiety, Hormonal Balance, Mood & Fitness

Product ID: 53623689
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Product description Superfoods are a special category of foods found in nature. By definition they are calorie sparse and nutrient dense meaning they pack a lot of punch for their weight as far as goodness goes. They are superior sources of anti-oxidants and essential nutrients - nutrients we need but cannot make ourselves. We all may be adding more salads and vegetables to our diets, but concern over the quality of foods grown on mineral depleted soils makes Superfoods an intelligent choice. They contain a wide array of beneficial substances including proteins, protective photo-chemicals and healthy bacteria helping you to build cleaner muscles and tissues, aid your digestive system function and more effectively protect you against disease and illness. ( Keywords: Superfood Superfoods super Green Greens Supergreen Supergreens sea soil seaweed weeds ocean earth natural health healthy Powder Powders Shake Shakes Natural Organic super food foods ) Ingredients Activated Pre-Sprouted Barley Grass Powder, Capsule Shell: Hydroxypropyl Methylcellulose (HPMC) (not organic, Vegetarian), *Spirulina Powder, *Barley Grass Powder, *Wheatgrass Powder, *Alfalfa Powder, *Turmeric Powder, *Baobab Powder, *Beetroot Powder, *Chlorella Powder, *Parsley Powder, *Spinach Powder, *Tomato Powder. P.when('A').execute(function(A) { A.on('a:expander:toggle_description:toggle:collapse', function(data) { window.scroll(0, data.expander.$expander[0].offsetTop-100); }); }); Directions Take one or two Capsules up to three times per day See more

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Vikram D.

The MOLLE sheath is of exceptional quality. Very happy with my purchase.

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Zainab N.

Fantastic and great service. Shipping was faster than expected.

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BYN 258.75

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TrustScore 4.5 | 7,300+ reviews

Yusuf A.

Fantastic experience overall. Will recommend to friends and family.

1 month ago

Neha S.

Excellent communication throughout the order process. Product is perfect.

2 weeks ago



Take one or two Capsules up to three times per day

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