Haribo Fruit Salad Pack of 3 (5oz Bags) Variety of Fruit Flavors in a King of Sweets Bulk Bag
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Haribo Fruit Salad Pack of 3 (5oz Bags) Variety of Fruit Flavors in a King of Sweets Bulk Bag

Product ID: 536159479
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Indulge in the taste of summer with Haribo Fruit Salad! This pack includes three 5 oz bags of gummy candy bursting with fruity goodness. With the King of Sweets Bulk label, you'll have plenty of candy to share with family and friends. Each bag contains a mix of grapefruit, orange, lemon, lime, and cherry flavors that are sure to brighten your day. Haribo is a beloved brand of gummy candy that has been enjoyed by both kids and adults since its introduction to the United States in 1982. With a wide variety of gummy and jelly fruit candy, Haribo is perfect for snacking on the go or as movie theater candy. Its colorful and flavorful assortment of treats makes it a popular choice for Halloween candy. For those who can't get enough of Haribo's delicious gummy candy, check out the other candy variety packs by King of Sweets that are a great option for trying out different flavors and textures. Haribo's candy packs are a convenient way to satisfy your sweet tooth anytime, anywhere, with a range of classic and innovative American candy options. Rest assured that this package contains authentic Haribo products that have been independently assembled by King of Sweets. Enjoy the fruity goodness of Haribo Fruit Salad today!

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