TANITA BC-730 Lightweight Compact Innerscan Body Composition Monitor Easy to Read Display 9 Measurements Pink
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TANITA BC-730 Lightweight Compact Innerscan Body Composition Monitor Easy to Read Display 9 Measurements Pink

Product ID: 53260707
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Product Description This super compact body composition monitor is ideal way to track your diet and fitness program. The extensive body composition readings give you essential information on the progress and effectiveness of your lifestyle and health regime. Suitable for the whole family, the scale can be used by anyone aged 5 years to 99 years. Additional functionality is added with athlete and guest modes. A memory function for up to 5 people allows quick and easy one-touch use. The compact design makes the monitor ideal for space saving in the bathroom or just popping away when not in use. Supplied with batteries and a 3 year warranty. Available in candy pink and white. TANITA proudly introduces the smallest body composition monitor in Europe. The BE 730 is lightweight and compact, making it easy to carry and store. Available in three colours. TANITA's body fat monitors and body composition monitors use bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) to help calculate results. BIA helps to calculate body composition by sending a low, safe electrical signal through the body. The signal passes freely through fluids contained in lean tissue, such as muscle and blood, but meets resistance passing through fat tissue. TANITA monitors accurately measure this resistance and use it to calculate elements of body composition. When set against gender, height, weight and body type, our monitors can calculate your body fat percentage. BIA depends on your body's hydration (water) level, which along with your weight will fluctuate naturally throughout the day. You will probably get different readings from your TANITA monitor if you take measurements at different times of the day. consistency is the key when taking your readings. The best time is in the early evening, before your meal. This is when your hydration level will be more stable. Avoid taking readings after you've woken up in the morning. Not only will you be dehydrated, but also the majority of fluid in your body will be stored in the central trunk area. As the day progresses, the fluid becomes more evenly distributed through the limbs, increasing the accuracy of the readings. Manufacturer's Description This super compact body composition monitor is perfect way to track your diet and fitness program. The extensive body composition readings give you essential information on the progress and effectiveness of your lifestyle and health regime. Suitable for the whole family, the scale can be used by anyone aged 5 years to 99 years. Additional functionality is added with athlete and guest modes. A memory function for up to 5 people allows quick and easy one-touch use. The compact design makes the monitor perfect for space saving in the bathroom or just popping away when not in use. Supplied with batteries and a 3 year warranty. Available in candy pink and white. Tanita proudly introduces the smallest body composition monitor in Europe. The BE 730 is lightweight and compact, making it easy to carry and store. Available in three colours. Tanita's body fat monitors and body composition monitors use bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) to help calculate results. BIA helps to calculate body composition by sending a low, safe electrical signal through the body. The signal passes freely through fluids contained in lean tissue, such as muscle and blood, but meets resistance passing through fat tissue. Tanita monitors accurately measure this resistance and use it to calculate elements of body composition. When set against gender, height, weight and body type, our monitors can calculate your body fat percentage. BIA depends on your body's hydration (water) level, which along with your weight will fluctuate naturally throughout the day. You will probably get different readings from your Tanita monitor if you take measurements at different times of the day. consistency is the key when taking your readings. The best time is in the early evening, before your meal. This is when your hydration level will be more stable. Avoid taking readings after you've woken up in the morning. Not only will you be dehydrated, but also the majority of fluid in your body will be stored in the central trunk area. As the day progresses, the fluid becomes more evenly distributed through the limbs, increasing the accuracy of the readings. P.when('A').execute(function(A) { A.on('a:expander:toggle_description:toggle:collapse', function(data) { window.scroll(0, data.expander.$expander[0].offsetTop-100); }); }); Box Contains 1 x Tanita Body Composition Scale See more

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Box Contains

1 x Tanita Body Composition Scale

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