Haldiram's Medu Vada | 24 Pieces | Minute Khana | Cocont Chutney Included | Crispy Donut Shaped | Breakfast & Tea Snacks | All Natural | Frozen Snakcs | Indian Origin | 900g (Pack of 2)
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Haldiram's Medu Vada | 24 Pieces | Minute Khana | Cocont Chutney Included | Crispy Donut Shaped | Breakfast & Tea Snacks | All Natural | Frozen Snakcs | Indian Origin | 900g (Pack of 2)

Product ID: 530890004
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Why to choose us : We assure you that all of our frozen food are naturally processed and high in nutrients. We packed them not only with products but also with care. We care about you having a healthy break. When you connect your grocery needs with us, you are providing the best foods for your family. At our store, we understand that customers have different needs when it comes to groceries. Some customers might need help finding a specific product while others might need assistance with quantity or delivery options. That's why we provide the best online purchasing service that makes it easy for customers to view products, read descriptions, choose quantities, and purchase items with just a few simple steps. By offering this level of customer service, we hope to make the shopping experience as easy and enjoyable as possible for all of our customers. Quality & Quantity : Our customers can trust us to provide the perfect amount of frozen food mentioned, un-beatable quality, and good packaging. The package contains high-quality sweets and snacks packed in safe plastic bags/packs which makes it easy to carry. The package will be delivered safely without any malfunctions. Our products are always organic and healthy to make our customer’s life healthier. The aroma and taste of all our products will be very natural as we are always avoiding such chemical add ons.

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Fantastic and great service. Shipping was faster than expected.

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Sneha T.

Received my product in pristine condition. Great service overall.

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