Neck and Shoulder Relaxer, Cervical Traction Device for TMJ Pain Relief and Cervical Spine Alignment, Chiropractic Pillow Neck Stretcher
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Neck and Shoulder Relaxer, Cervical Traction Device for TMJ Pain Relief and Cervical Spine Alignment, Chiropractic Pillow Neck Stretcher

Product ID: 530479843
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How do you use it?1. Find a quiet place where you can lay down or sit back for about 10 minutes. This can be on a bed, sofa, floor or recliner.2. Locate the neck support of the device around the middle of your neck. Start with gentle traction ( convex side under your head).3. Gently reposition on the device, up or down along your spine to locate the most comfortable position for your neck. Bent your knees, put your hand beside your head.4. Once comfortable, allow your neck to settle further into the support. Taking slow deep breaths helps to relax.5. Take notice of how the support is reinforcing your posture. You may observe at this point that you are releasing tension.6. You may notice your neck, traps and shoulder muscles relax further and your posture become more aligned.7. Reposition lightly every few minutes to prevent localized fatigue. You may re-assume your position if need.8. Like any new exercise, start off slowly. Use the gentle support level for 5 minutes then reassess whether or not you can use it for an additional 5 minutes. Progress gradually as you are comfortable.9. If you feel you can use more neck support, use the strong traction neck support ( concave side under your head).10. NOTE: At first, you may feel slight discomfort as your muscles and joints adjust to their new positions. If you feel pain, discontinue using device and consult with your healthcare professional.11. This product is waterproof. If there is a smell, simply use warm water with liquid soap or any sanitizer commonly used in the home or healthcare setting, and place it in a well ventilated area for 24 up to 48 hours.

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