Super Bundle, Tropical Kids Brain Booster+ for Focus, Attention and Memory and Pure, High Intracellular Absorption Magnesium 520mg. for Parents and Kids. Vegan, GMO-Free, Kosher
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Super Bundle, Tropical Kids Brain Booster+ for Focus, Attention and Memory and Pure, High Intracellular Absorption Magnesium 520mg. for Parents and Kids. Vegan, GMO-Free, Kosher

Product ID: 530379755
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Until 2012 it was believed that Magnesium Citrate, Threonate, Bisglycinate were the most bioavailable to the body. In 2012, a study was published in Magnesium Research Magazine that examined the Intracellular Absorption of Magnesium Oxide Monohydrate. The study proved beyond any doubt that Magnesium Oxide Monohydrate is the most bioavailable form of Magnesium. All clinical studies of Bisglycinate or any "Chelated" Magnesium tested blood content only, which is meaningless since the amount of Magnesium in the blood serum is not an indication of the level of Magnesium in the body's cells. Increased Focus & Learning Capacity: If your child has trouble focusing in school or at home, Brain Booster+ is here to help, and you don't need a prescription to get it. This natural supplement contains herbal extracts like Saffron and other hand-picked vitamins and minerals to help support brain and cognitive function, enhancing your little one's learning capabilities. Will Also Help Improve Their Mood & Calm the Mind: Besides seeing a noticeable improvement in your child's focus, concentration, and attentiveness, the nutrients in this natural brain support formula will also help improve their mood, slow down racing thoughts, and promote tranquility—all without resorting to using potentially harmful meds.

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Fast shipping and excellent packaging. The Leatherman tool feels very premium and sturdy.

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Smooth transaction and product arrived in perfect condition.

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