TAZA CHOCOLATE | 95% Wicked Dark Chocolate Bar | 70G | Pack of 2 | Stone Ground with toasted coconut | Organic, Vegan, Gluten-Free
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TAZA CHOCOLATE | 95% Wicked Dark Chocolate Bar | 70G | Pack of 2 | Stone Ground with toasted coconut | Organic, Vegan, Gluten-Free

Product ID: 527846296
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Experience the indulgent taste of pure cacao with Taza Chocolate's Wicked Dark 95% Stone Ground Chocolate Bar. This exceptionally dark chocolate offers a decadent, rich flavor that true chocolate aficionados will appreciate. The Wicked Dark Chocolate Bar is 95% dark chocolate, making it a treat for those who crave the full-bodied flavor of nearly pure cacao. Despite its intensity, it's carefully balanced to ensure it's enjoyable, bite after delicious bite. This barely-sweet bar has just 2 grams of sugar per serving. Presented in an 80-gram bar, it's perfect for a mindful snack, a gourmet baking ingredient, or a unique gift for the chocolate lover in your life. Embark on an unforgettable chocolate journey with Taza Chocolate's Wicked Dark 95% Stone Ground Chocolate Bar. At Taza Chocolate we make stone ground chocolate. Cacao is so complex in flavor that we want to let it shout loud and proud. That is why we do less to bring you more. We stone grind organic cacao beans into perfectly unrefined, minimally processed chocolate with bold flavor and texture, unlike anything you have ever tasted.

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