Memory Foam Seat Cushion,Coccyx, Tailbone Pain Relief - Seat Cushion for Office Chair Breathable Seat Pads For Car Seats, Desk Chairs,Gaming And Computer Chairs Non-Slip (Black)
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Memory Foam Seat Cushion,Coccyx, Tailbone Pain Relief - Seat Cushion for Office Chair Breathable Seat Pads For Car Seats, Desk Chairs,Gaming And Computer Chairs Non-Slip (Black)

Product ID: 525636010
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Happy working without suffering pains with our seat cushion.Soft seating surfaces can create pressure points in your lower body, especially for those who spend 8+ hours a day in a seated position. Our cushion cradles your bottom, reducing pain in your lower back, hips, and sciatic nerve.It's important to note that memory foam is heat responsive and will soften with body heat. Although it may feel firm initially, it will soften once it absorbs heat from your body.This desk chair cushion can be used in many different situations, whether you're working from home, in the car, outside, or studying for long periods of time.Easy to carry, this chair cushion is a great choice for outdoor camping. The product dimensions are 17 x 13 x 2.75 inches, and it fits most chairs or seats around your home, office, and even your car.This tailbone pain relief cushion takes into account the amount of weight applied and provides support where you need it most.Designed for ultimate comfort, the ergonomically U-shaped design of the cushion provides the best comfort while reducing pressure on the coccyx, tailbone, and promoting well-shaped posture.Chair pillow cushions offer several benefits, including reducing pressure on the tailbone, relieving pain from sitting for long periods, coccyx/tailbone relief, promoting a healthy posture, and comfortable sitting.

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Great experience from order to delivery. Highly recommended!

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Received my product in pristine condition. Great service overall.

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