Munich '80
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Munich '80

Product ID: 515256139
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This historic 1980 Munich concert has the distinction of being the first ever live direct to digital stereo recording of Zappa. The show was the last of the Spring/Summer tour with the group playing at peak performance. The entire concert is featured on three 180g audiophile vinyl LP's and mastered by Bernie Grundman in 2022. The package features photography and memoir from George Alper, who worked for FZ, along with liner notes from Arthur Barrow and Vaultmeister Joe Travers. 'Zappa '80: Mudd Club/Munich' combines two historical performances from the spring/summer 1980 band. The first is from a set at FZ's favorite NYC nightclub - the famous Mudd Club. Presented from a hi-res transfer of the original master tape. The second from Olympiahalle in Munich is the first ever live direct to digital stereo recording of Zappa. Mastering by Bernie Grundman, 2022. Photography and memoir from George Alper, with liner notes from Arthur Barrow, Steve Vai, Vaultmeister Joe Travers. 'Zappa '80: Mudd Club/Munich' combines two historical performances from the spring/summer 1980 band. The first is from a set at FZ's favorite NYC nightclub - the famous Mudd Club. Presented from a hi-res transfer of the original master tape. The second from Olympiahalle in Munich is the first ever live direct to digital stereo recording of Zappa. Mastering by Bernie Grundman, 2022. Photography and memoir from George Alper, with liner notes from Arthur Barrow, Steve Vai, Vaultmeister Joe Travers.

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Fantastic experience overall. Will recommend to friends and family.

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Received my product in pristine condition. Great service overall.

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