?Dual Benefit This is a mini portable Electrical Aroma Difuser Cum Night Lamp Device with Superior Quality, Made up of Shock Proof Material Comes with ON Indicator saves camphor / kapur / bakhoor as it burns slowly and for a longer period of time. ?It shall spread the aroma of fragrance of your choice. It is direct Plugin device And No Hassle of Wire. ?Keep the Kapoor / Essential Oil or any other fragrant product you want to diffuse on the top of the burner and switch the burner on and it will start diffusing the fragrance all over and freshen up the environment removing bad odour out of your space. ?Dhoop dani or bakhoor burners or incense burner are a beautifully ornate way of filling your rooms full of wonderful fragrances. ?Electric burner saves your time in burning charcoal and also produces less smoke. ?Insert the plug into the socket and switch on the button for few minutes and put some bakhoor or dhoop or incense on the top plate and enjoy. ?Used for burning dhoop or incense electrically. ?Fill your home with full of wonderful fragrances. Kapoor dani electric, Kapoor dani stand, Kapoor stand, Kapoor burner lamp electric. ?Applications - As a mosquito repellent - Cough & Cold preventer - Incense diffuser - kapoor Burner, Night Lamp. ?Care Instructions: To long lasting use, kindly switch off the kapur dani as soon as kapur tablet finished (Burned).
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