Louis Caffè - Roasted coffee beans, handcrafted product, Blue Blend - sweet and full-bodied taste, intense aroma - single pack of kg. 1, aroma-saving valve
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Louis Caffè - Roasted coffee beans, handcrafted product, Blue Blend - sweet and full-bodied taste, intense aroma - single pack of kg. 1, aroma-saving valve

Product ID: 514798710
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Louis Caffè, in the BLUE variant, is a blend with a sweet and decisive character at the same time, very aromatic and persistent. In the cup it expresses all its body, giving a nutty aftertaste. For the creation of the Louis Caffè blends, the finest green coffees are carefully selected, in the Arabica and Robusta varieties, from Central and South America. The roasting is carried out in an artisanal way, with long times and temperatures appropriate for each single production batch, such as to allow a perfect development of the organoleptic properties that define the particular aromatic profile of the blend. History: Louis Caffè was born from the great passion for the wonderful world of coffee of our small family business, Santiago srl. Although still short, our history, the commitment and over ten years of experience of its creator and founder, Mr. Luigi Soggiu, has allowed the artful creation of high quality, unique and unmistakable blends, produced following tradition and the typical style. Italian. The care with which we select the best raw coffees in the world, the skilful craftsmanship, the passion that drives our work are combined with the love of a small daily gesture, also made up of sharing values and "pleasant emotions".

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Great price for an authentic product. Fast international shipping too!

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