AirPods Pro Leather Case with Strap,Genuine Leather Portable Protective Shockproof Cover for Apple AirPods and AirPods Pro case Support Wireless Charging (White)
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AirPods Pro Leather Case with Strap,Genuine Leather Portable Protective Shockproof Cover for Apple AirPods and AirPods Pro case Support Wireless Charging (White)

Product ID: 514329513
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In 2017, I received an Rolex watch from a friend and I loved it. But the watch carried a strap that I didn't really like, and I wanted a vintage-inspired leather strap to go with my watch, for which I spent a lot of time looking for a leather strap that would satisfy me. I bought many leather straps on , but I was frustrated to find that the factory-made leather straps were not as detailed as I wanted them to be. After a year, I was fortunate to meet two friends - David and Jim. David and Jim have a lot of experience in leather handicraft and can skillfully sew watch straps, phone cases, wallets and other products. I described to them the perfect strap I had in mind and commissioned them to sew it for me, and after hearing my request, they spent two days sewing what I thought was the perfect leather strap for me, and the wonderful stitching and classic leather patterns were so mesmerizing that I was ecstatic and went crazy telling David and Jim how much I loved leather craftsmanship, and they also said they loved it. So, we finally decided to form a leather craft workshop, hoping to reintroduce the wonderful and vintage leather craft products.Finals, our leather handicraft workshop was created successfully on March 7, 2019. All of our products are handmade and the leather raw materials are made from Zermatt cowhide, which is used by many luxury brands, as well as a variety of top quality leathers such as imported goatskin from France and imported Swift calfskin from France. Handmade to achieve the details of the product than machine production to more wonderful, of course, the cost and time consuming will also increase exponentially. But we do not care, we only hope to bring the hand-made vintage craft to everyone, so that the inheritance of hundreds of years of leather craft rejuvenated; also hope to show our design concept to everyone through our products - the spark generated by the collision of technology and humanities, very beautiful.

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