
Carzex Car Reverse Parking Sensor with LED Display, Buzzer and Ultrasonic Reverse Auto Parking Assist System (Set of 4 Pcs) (Silver)

Product ID: 514238565



🚗 Park like a pro with Carzex! Experience peace of mind with real-time obstacle detection. Powered by a robust CPU for precise distance measurement. Perfectly compatible with any vehicle size, big or small. Reliable performance in any season, rain or shine. Three-color LED display for effortless distance awareness. 1.5m detection range 4 ultrasonic sensors All-weather tech The Carzex Car Reverse Parking Sensor system enhances your parking experience with adaptive technology, featuring four ultrasonic sensors for comprehensive coverage, a user-friendly LED display, and a detection range of up to 1.5 meters. Designed for universal compatibility, this system ensures safety and convenience in all weather conditions.

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