EDC Fidget Toys Stress Relief for Adults Magnetic Metal Carbon Fiber Three-Section Stick Rotating Creative Gift
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EDC Fidget Toys Stress Relief for Adults Magnetic Metal Carbon Fiber Three-Section Stick Rotating Creative Gift

Product ID: 509843760
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Material: carbon fiber, brass.This new skill toy is something I came up as an idea that's turned into a very fun and interesting fidget toy that can be used anywhere, anytime and however you want to use them.A set of it weighs between 1.4 and 1.5 ounces. A set includes three 65mm magnetic barrels with magnets contained in the ends of each barrel. They are 15mm round making it comfortable in the hands. High strength, rare earth neodymium magnets are used to hold the barrels together in somewhat of a pen spinning configuration while still being easy enough to break into 2 or 3 parts where it can be used as a very unique, magnetic skill toy. The way they feel in your hand, the push and pull you feel from the magnets, the way it spins like a pen AND breaks apart when wanted all make this brand new product so much more fun than I was expecting and even though I haven't come up with many tricks yet I know for a fact others will come up with some crazy combos and I cant wait! I know if you grab yourself a set you wont regret it when your hands are bored or your stress levels are high!

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