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Foamma Crash Pad 8" x 36" x 36" (8" Thick x 3 ft x 3 ft) - Sensory Pad with Foam Blocks for Kids and Adults with Water-Resistant and Washable Cover
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Foamma Crash Pad 8" x 36" x 36" (8" Thick x 3 ft x 3 ft) - Sensory Pad with Foam Blocks for Kids and Adults with Water-Resistant and Washable Cover

Product ID: 508880012
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Having a crashpad for your child at home can actually provide more benefits than you realize. Foamma Crash Pad can improve your child’s gross motor s and motor planning. By jumping into a crash pad, your child receives a large amount of sensory support that provides deep pressure from the leg and knee muscles to the joints, which is good for muscle tone and their core strength. The Crash Pad provides a designated zone for crashing or jumping to satisfy any sensory seekers. the Crash Pad can offer many theutic benefits. Children who actively seek out excessive sensory input are usually looking for a way to calm themselves and organize. Also ideal for adults, the Crash Pad to be used as a bean bag for reading and relaxing. The Crash Pad is of flame ants. .The foam used in the Crash Pad is CertiPur certified to be low VOC

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Anjali K.

The product quality is outstanding. Exactly what I needed for my work.

1 month ago

Yusuf A.

Fantastic experience overall. Will recommend to friends and family.

1 month ago

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