Personal Camp and Ranch Perimeter Trip Alarm | Tripwire Activated Alarm | 209 Trip Alarm
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Personal Camp and Ranch Perimeter Trip Alarm | Tripwire Activated Alarm | 209 Trip Alarm

Product ID: 508860157
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This outdoor necessity alerts you of any nearby movement with a tripwire-initiated alert system. When the trigger is disturbed, the unit will discharge a Primer to warn you of movement detected within the area of operation. This is a perfect size for camping, hiking, and backpacking. A great bear deterrent. No harm, just noise! How to Use the Trip Alarm: Step one: Figure out the line of your perimeter. It is best to be in a straight line without obstruction from trees/branches, or a common walking trail. Step two: Find the best secure spot for the location of your device. Securely put the device to a solid location i.e.; tree, post, or stake. This should be in direct line to the other location of your perimeter, don't have it curve around brush or structures. Step three: Run your line. We recommend trying to create your line as straight as possible. Think of what you are guarding against and where you are putting it. You can set your device low to the ground to get anything walking, or you can put it up higher to catch taller intruders and not go off for your four legged companion. Step four: Figure out the tension you want in your line, you don’t want it to be too tense that the line breaks before it triggers the perimeter trip alarm, nor too loose that it doesn't pull hard enough. Test it out before you load. Step five: Tie the trip line to your device, connecting point A to point B. Step six: Arm your device, remove the safety firing pin. Step seven: Walk away and be alert for if/when the alarm goes off.

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Anjali K.

The product quality is outstanding. Exactly what I needed for my work.

1 month ago

Ayesha M.

The product exactly matches the description. Very satisfied with my purchase.

5 days ago

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