Espresso Mushroom CompanyEMC Women's Vegan Cork Zip-Around Clutch Purse
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Espresso Mushroom CompanyEMC Women's Vegan Cork Zip-Around Clutch Purse

Product ID: 50604019
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The Cork Zip Around Women’s Purse is elegant and stylish and allows you to see and feel the beauty of the cork fabric and includes a strong golden zip to compliment the rich colour of the cork. The purse is made from Portuguese cork which is fantastically durable, but still silky soft to touch. It’s an excellent alternative to leather, sourced from a renewable, sustainable and environmentally friendly material. This cork purse follows the classic shape of the Michael Kors Jet Set Continental Wallet range, yet is made from eco-friendly and beautiful material. Inside, there are ample sections for bank cards, driving license, loyalty cards, gym cards, business cards, cash and a zip compartment for change – it’s a bit like the Tardis! In all, there are 8 card holding slots, two cash sections a section divider and zipped coin compartment, making it perfect for daily use, or for use on your travels with space for passport, cash, iPhone and much more! The purse contains no animal products at all. Cork is a brilliant material. It is soft to touch, complex and rich aesthetically, as strong a high quality leather, and fantastically sustainable as well, making it a perfect alternative to leather to make wallets or purses from. Our range of wallets are all handmade and use Portuguese cork. The softness of cork can’t be overstated – there’s a silky feel about them as you would expect from a high class piece of leather. That natural softness is matched by a real durability and strength, and rich texture from the cork oak bark, making each wallet completely unique. Being able to offer wallets made from an alternative to leather is fantastic – these wallets don’t contain any animal derivatives, and furthermore we are really excited about the sustainability of cork. Unlike your money, cork really does grow on trees and is renewable. Cork Oak trees are harvested for their cork, then left in for nine years while the cork regrows. Cork Oaks can be harvested approximately 15 times during their lifetime. After harvesting, the bark is left then treated with boiling. Once dry, thin strips of cork are shaved off placed on a fabric backing to create a mosaic patchwork. These sheets are mounted and used to create these wallets, and contribute to the unique grain pattern on each item.

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Excellent communication throughout the order process. Product is perfect.

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