TEAYOC Digital Manifold Digital Manifold Gauge HVAC Pressure Gauge Plus Fluoride Table Instrument For Cold Storage Refrigerant Air Conditioning Tools High and Low Side Measurement
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TEAYOC Digital Manifold Digital Manifold Gauge HVAC Pressure Gauge Plus Fluoride Table Instrument For Cold Storage Refrigerant Air Conditioning Tools High and Low Side Measurement

Product ID: 504933208
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Digital Manifold Gauge HVAC Pressure Gauge Plus Fluoride Table Instrument for Cold Storage Refrigerant Air Conditioning ToolsFeatures:1.Pressure and Temperature Measurement:Display the measured pressure, temperature, saturation temperature at high and low pressure sides.2.Vacuum Measurement:Display the current vacuum level and pressure value.3.Pressure Holding Measurement:Display timer, initial pressure, current pressure, and pressure differential during the pressure holding process.Pressure maintaining leakage test.Support temperature compensation.4.Superheating and Subcooling:View the saturation temperature.Automatic calculation of superheating/supercooling.5.Auto Off Time Settings:Turn on the automatic shutdown function. 5 min, 10min, 15min, 30min, and 60min are selectable.6.Battery Replacement:Please take out the 3 AA batteries for storage or not using the manifold for a long time to avoid the batteries leakage(battery not included).7.Support 88 kinds of refrigerant saturation temperature query.According to the actual situation, select the corresponding refrigerant type to meet the diverse needs of customers.8.Refrigeration system maintenance, energy saving and efficiency.The electronic manifold instrument is suitable for the trial operation of the refrigeration system and the daily inspection, maintenance and maintenance, so as to achieve the purpose of energy saving and efficiency improvement.9.Dual pressure, dual temperature measurement.Detect the operating status of the refrigeration system, and perform charging and recovery operations on the refrigeration system.10.Automatic calculation of superheat and subcooling.Moderate subcooling and superheating is conducive to maximizing the cooling effect of the refrigeration system.11. Leak detection of refrigeration systems.Maximize cooling effect, accurately detect vacuum degree, and support vacuum leak detection.12.Pressure Maintaining Side Lea

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The product exactly matches the description. Very satisfied with my purchase.

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